Audio and Articles

Deeper Honesty

Confession is a vital part of Christian growth, but it can be easy to emphasize confession to God at the expense of the importance of confessing to other Christians. How can we grow in the discipline of confession, and what does it do for us?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on Christian growth. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 28, 2024. The outline for this series was adapted from Deeper, by Dane Ortlund.)

Deeper into Justification

Justification is one of those big religious-sounding words that we don’t use very often outside of a church setting, but it is one of the most vital components of Christian growth. What does it mean to be justified, and how does it contribute to our continual growing?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on Christian growth. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 21, 2024. The outline for this series was adapted from the book Deeper, by Dane Ortlund.)

The Promise of Rest

Rest is a prominent theme throughout the Bible, from the seventh day of creation to some of Jesus final promises in Revelation. Why is rest so important, and what does God’s promise of it entail?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on the promises of God. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 14, 2024.)

Deeper Love

God’s love for us never changes; it fundamentally cannot change, because God’s love is so baked into who He is as a Being. Our appreciation of and experience of God’s love is the only thing that can change as we grow as Christians. How can we move deeper into the love of God?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on Christian growth. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 14, 2024. The outline for this series was adapted from Deeper, by Dane Ortlund.)

The Promise of Comfort

We all need comfort at times. One of the most basic promises of God, found in some of the most famous passages in the Bible, is to comfort us. How does He promise to do so, and what should that look like in our lives?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on the promises of God. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 7, 2024.)

Deeper Unity

When did you become united with Christ? Unity, as a subject of Christian growth, exemplifies the idea that growth is about become more of what we already are in Christ. How can we deepen our unity with him?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on Christian growth. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on April 7, 2024. The outline for this series was adapted from Deeper, by Dan Orlund.)

What is a Deacon?

What is a “deacon” in the church? To answer this, we survey the use of the word throughout the New Testament, and consider a few examples of early church life.

Click Here to Listen.

(Preparing for the church appointing new deacons. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on March 24, 2024.)

The Promise of Answers

Almost everyone has felt the urge to question God at some point: why did this bad thing happen, why is that horrible person doing well, why can’t I do this thing? What kind of answers does God promise us?

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on the promises of God. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on March 17, 2024.)

Deeper into Despair

It might seem odd to talk about despair and grief in a study of Christian growth, but growth requires a catalyst, a motivator. For the Christian, when we lose or ignore the despair caused by our sin, we lose one of the engines of growth.

Click Here to Listen.

(Preaching on Christian growth. This sermon was preached at the Dewey Church of Christ on March 17, 2024. The outline of this series was adapted from the book Deeper by Dan Orlund.)